Dick’s Sporting Goods, Making a Profit, and Contributing to the Common Good

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When a corporation does something that we might consider courageous – taking an action that might hurt their bottom line or invite harsh criticism from previous supporters – we should hold them up, recognize their actions and thank them. At the moment, this applies to Dick’s Sporting Goods, which has recently taken the following steps […]

News Stories that Don’t Go Far Enough

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They stop short: journalists reporting stories about serious problems in the US, in even the most respected outlets, who often stop at the problem rather than explore possible solutions. Significantly, many possible solutions can be found in Europe and other advanced nations. While I greatly appreciate the depth and professionalism in which the journalists cover […]

It’s Well Past Time: The Imperative Need to Address Gun Violence

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Orlando, June 12, 2016… As I was preparing this blog post, we experienced the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Once again, we mourn, try to make sense of the senseless, debate and, hopefully, come together in solidarity. But we must face facts: violence in the US, especially violence involving firearms, is a serious problem, […]