Two Powerful Messages for Our Times

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From The Council of the Society of Biblical Literature and Executive Staff of the Society of Biblical Literature A Statement on Black Lives Matter, Right to Protest, and Bible as Prop The Council of the Society of Biblical Literature and Executive Staff of SBL issue the following statement: We are appalled at the murder of […]

Teaching American Slavery: Confronting an Educational Deficit in Our Schools

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As of the presidential election of 2008, the US has now had an African American President – for eight years. When Barack Obama was first elected, there was speculation, even hope, that the US might finally be entering a time of reduced racism. Of course, many others among us realized that merely the election of […]

SPLC on BLM: Important Distinctions When it comes to Hate Groups

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Let’s look from another important angle at Black Lives Matter (BLM), their message and goals, and the recent murders of police officers in our nation. As I have done in the past, I turn for wisdom to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), whose work I have followed and supported for decades. Recently supporters received […]