All the President’s People: The Vital Importance of the Leader’s Advisors

| Present

Yes, the person we elect as our President every four years is extremely important. Most of us hope against hope that he or she will have certain qualities for the job: competence, honesty, wide knowledge of the significant issues of the day, integrity, good mental and physical health, and others. In the complexity that is […]

Democrats in the Pipeline: Planning for the Future I

| Present

If Joe Biden wins the Presidency again this November (as millions of Americans hope!), and if the Biden-Harris Administration continues making as much progress as it has in the past four years, their successes will provide a golden opportunity for other Democrats to run for President in 2028 and beyond. Let us take a look […]

The World Happiness and “Shorter Lives” Reports: Important Warnings to Americans

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We have commented earlier on the World Happiness Reports, published since 2012 by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. In the 2022 report, the US ranks 15th, just ahead of Germany and behind eight European Union nations, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Israel, New Zealand, and Switzerland. In March 2023, NPR reported that life expectancy in the US […]

Rounding Out Women’s History Month: Current Women Leaders around the World

| Present

How aware are we Americans that many of our sister nations – other advanced democracies – have had the advantage of a woman leader, whether President, Prime Minister or other Head of State, while we have not? Since the 1980s, the following countries have all had female Heads of State: Iceland, Norway, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, East […]

Elizabeth Warren and Capitalism: She’s in Favor

| Present

As the 2020 presidential election already heats up (too soon, for some of us!), it is important that we are clear on where candidates stand on the important issues. We also need to beware of strident propaganda that distorts the truth, raises irrational fears, and blurs the picture. Here we will focus on Massachusetts Senator […]

The House is Blue

| Present

The midterm election is over, and the House of Representatives has turned blue. So have state legislatures and governorships around the country. What will we really do with this important change in our national make-up? We still have Donald Trump as President. But in many places throughout our country, especially in the districts where Democrats […]

Index to the Second Year

| Future,Past,Present

Thank you as always for checking in with WisdomWordsPPF!  Here is a guide to the past year of blog posts (note that some posts appear in several categories). If you want a guide to the first year (October 2015-October 2016), you can find it here. Posts on Social Justice, Politics and Our Peer Nations The […]

The Vermont People’s Platform

| Present

A recurring question on the political landscape at this point is, “What is the message of the Democrats following the November election?” There is a call for Dems to craft a single, coherent message that will help them win House and Senate seats in the 2018 midterm elections and to defeat Trump (or whomever might […]

Democrats Running – for Office

| Present

One good thing has been birthed by the Trump Presidency: droves of Americans have been moved to “resistant” action in the form of running for office. The Daily Kos reports that Democrats have filed paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission to run in 385 House districts out of 435 total nationwide. Furthermore, “of the 241 […]