Trinity Church Wall Street: not an institution one might automatically think of in terms of social justice. But for the past 40 plus years, this historic Episcopal parish in Lower Manhattan has hosted Trinity Institute, an annual conference open to all that “presents emerging and inclusive theological and social perspectives and engages participants in inquiry, […]
Truth and Trump per Time
Kudos to Nancy Gibbs, reporter Michael Scherer and Time magazine for their superb treatment of President Donald Trump’s disturbing relationship with the truth and what that means for our nation. Gibbs in her “From the Editor” piece was clear and forthright: “Trump says a great many things that are demonstrably false.” She reminds us that […]
St. Paul and Women

Philippi, in the north of Greece, was a significant city in the history of Christianity. St. Paul visited the city and wrote a letter to the community there, which is in the New Testament of the Bible. While Paul may be seen as someone who suppressed women, based upon other letters in the New Testament […]
At-will employment and root causes of poverty

In November 2013, I lost my administrative job at the Smith College School for Social Work with no notice and no warning: they simply eliminated my position and sent me packing. Their ability to do this is a direct result of the all-American employment practice of at-will, which is not found in any other Western […]