What’s New at the Department of Transportation?

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Since Pete Buttigieg was confirmed as Secretary of Transportation and started his new job in early February, he has hit the ground running in promoting the Biden-Harris Administration’s agenda, not only in transportation but in combatting the coronavirus pandemic and racism, creating jobs, and mitigating climate change. While the Department of Transportation is not often […]

Now We Get to Work!

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It’s Friday the 13th, but for many of us, that feels like a very positive date on the calendar! Despite what Donald Trump and his supporters might say and wish, they have been defeated at the polls, and it is time for him to prepare to move out of the White House (the People’s House). […]

A Bipartisan Legislative Success Story: The Caminada Headland Example

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In a special issue of National Wildlife magazine (February-March 2020), the National Wildlife Federation reported on one of the success stories following the April 2010 catastrophe that was the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Along the Louisiana coastline of the Gulf of Mexico is a narrow sandy barrier called the Caminada Headland. The Headland was already losing […]

Crisis “Management” the Trump Way

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Most of us, one might hazard to guess, try to avoid crises; our lives are crazy, complicated and chaotic enough. We in the West crave moments of serenity, sanity and normalcy. Not so our current President, Donald J. Trump. Here we will not only show ways in which he creates false crises and then rides […]

Ben Carson and HUD Being Sued

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As the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) marked its 50th anniversary in April 2018, several civil rights groups, led by the National Fair Housing Alliance, were suing the agency and its Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson, “for suspending an Obama-era rule requiring communities to examine and address barriers to racial integration.” According to reporting […]

Teaching American Slavery: Confronting an Educational Deficit in Our Schools

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As of the presidential election of 2008, the US has now had an African American President – for eight years. When Barack Obama was first elected, there was speculation, even hope, that the US might finally be entering a time of reduced racism. Of course, many others among us realized that merely the election of […]

Obama’s Bipartisan Deals: Exposing More Lies from the Trump White House

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Several weeks ago, the Daily Kos published an article on “the growing ethical crimes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.” It is indeed a sad day in America that the official voice of the executive branch of our government is most likely disseminating downright lies to the American people. (It goes without saying that it is a […]

Fact-Checking the Trump-Sessions DACA Statement

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It probably should not come as a surprise that the Trump Administration’s statement on DACA is full of inaccuracies. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has provided us with an annotated version of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statement on Trump’s decision to halt President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, showing at least 26 examples […]

Roger Ailes, The Media and What We All Need to Know

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Most of us who have been paying attention to the news over the past few months are aware that Roger Ailes, the long-time CEO of Fox News, was recently forced out due to sexual harassment complaints. What has emerged from his “take-down” goes way beyond sexual harassment (which is bad enough, of course). A September […]

Fear, Toxicity and Truth-Telling: Three Short Reports from the Christian Century

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The Christian Century is not only for Christians – or even only for those who consider themselves religious. This biweekly magazine, which was established in 1884, deals very professionally and intelligently with a wide range of timely issues, including political and social justice topics. In their summary section entitled “Century Marks,” the journal summarizes recent […]